Things to do with a Toddler at Home

things to do with a toddler at home

Surviving a pandemic with toddlers at home.

things to do with a toddler at home

The only thing harder than going through a pandemic is watching your kids have to go through it. This is especially true when they may not be old enough to understand why they can’t go anywhere. Still, they know that certain things are off-limits, and their lives are being somewhat restricted. For everyone, but moms especially, COVID has flipped everyone’s world upside down. We are facing challenges that we’ve never had to face before. One struggle is how to entertain our children while we are stuck inside all day. Keep reading for five easy things that you can do with a toddler at home during the pandemic.

#1 Zoom With Family and Friends

This is not the easiest task to achieve with your toddler. However, setting up a Zoom call with grandparents or other family members during lunchtime keeps your family in touch. Additionally, it gives your toddler a bit of time to see and interact with those they aren’t able to see as much. It may be a nice break for you, as well!

#2 Read A Book With An Astronaut: A very cool thing to do with your toddler right from home!

Story Time From Space is a project from the Global Space Education Foundation. They send children’s books to the International Space Station, and astronauts at the station, videotape themselves reading the stories. This is a fun and exciting new way to approach storytime. What a fun thing to do with your toddler right from home!

#3 Make Homemade Cards

If you’re loved ones haven’t seen your children in some time, nothing will make them happier than to receive a homemade card filled with love and imagination from your toddler. You can use fingerpaints, crayons, and other simple techniques to make bold and fun cards. This is a great way to keep your children feeling connected to the family and friends they can’t visit during the pandemic.

#4 Organize A Scavenger Hunt or a Backyard Field Day

Keep it simple, and you want your little one to stay engaged. Getting them outside and creating a fun and adventurous activity will keep them busy for hours! Whether you have designed a scavenger hunt to take them on a quest or set up your backyard with a bunch of obstacle courses, your children will be ecstatic to break up the day with something new.

#5 Teach Your Kids To Bake or Cook

There are so many ways to incorporate your toddlers into your daily cooking routine. While some tasks are not safe for them to partake in, they can still be involved with mixing, pushing buttons, and scooping and pouring ingredients in and out of measuring cups.

Things to do with a toddler at home.

Final thoughts on things to do with a toddler at home.

Over the past ten months, you have likely spent countless hours trying to find new ways to entertain your kids while also maintaining your own sense of calm. Keeping your kids entertained is essential, but the typical kid’s movies and arts and crafts can become a bit mundane after spending too much time on those activities. Give one of the new ones above a try, and let us know how much fun you and your toddler have while giving them a shot!

Don’t forget the photos!

Another option is to get out of the house for a fun kid’s photo session. Contact Stacey Ash Photography for more information. It’s a great time to capture your little one’s milestones.

Are you expecting during the pandemic. Here’s what you can expect.

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