Princess Party Columbus Ohio – A Magical Event!

Princess Party Columbus Ohio

Princess Party events have become a big trend in Columbus, Ohio in recent years. When my kids were really young, I got to see many of these princesses in action.

Meeting Amy

A few years ago my son and I got invited to a friend’s house for a private appearance by Cinderella. Although I had heard of Amy’s Princess Parties, this was my first in-person encounter with Amy. I was so impressed by the quality of the character. She was so engaging with all of the kids. Each child got special attention from Cinderella. She took the time to serenade the group, too. Her voice was beautiful and she knew so many songs from princess movies!

After that, I kept in contact with Amy through social media. During the stay at home orders for COVID-19 Amy was doing facetime calls for kids. My son got a special call from Belle for his 5th birthday. It was so great!

Amy has continued to impress me with her professionalism and stories of magic. I have realized that she is never off-duty. If an opportunity arises for Amy to make a child’s day better, she takes it! Amy has even transformed herself into Elsa on a flight and at the ball-park, just to make a child happy!

Unique Princess Party Event in Columbus, Ohio

I was very excited to be partner with Amy’s Princess Parties to offer a morning of MAGIC! The PRINCESS SESSIONS featured Cinderella AND Belle!!! These princesses are so good with children and truly make the time magical. I have seen them work on many occasions.

The session will included a 30 minute meet and greet, in which each child got ndividual photos with both princesses, followed by a group sing along led by the beautiful voices of Cinderella and Belle! The session included 5 digital images, plus the time with the princesses. You can’t beat such an exclusive event with professional photos!.🏰 I bought a brand new 12 foot fantasy garden backdrop that we used to make the images even more spectacular. There’s no better way to experience a Princess Party in Columbus Ohio!

Are you planning a trip to Disney anytime soon? Don’t miss out on my best tips to make it a great adventure!

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